Phone: 972-983-3128
Message: From the university, Golden had an expense account from UNT to cover taking prospective donors out to dinner and for associated travel expenses. That funding was also cut off. Who authorized the decision to decline the $75,000 award from the Federation to support the program? I do not know. 3) Further, it appears that the DEI office “unofficially” officially investigated Golden (see attached letter). On Feb. 20, 2020, UNT Equity and Diversity held a conference session called “Why Palestine Matters” at which Naylee Azad, a pro-Palestinian activist with no university affiliation or credentials whatsoever gave a talk. After the lecture, during the Q and A, Prof. Golden apparently asked some “difficult” questions concerning anti-Semitism, Palestinian terrorism and celebrations by Palestinians of 9/11. As a result, Equity and Diversity filed a complaint against Richard. For example, on May 16, 2020, Alvin J. B. Roberts III, Assistant Director, Equal Opportunity, wrote to Richard about the complaint (see attached). 4) After preventing Prof. Golden from fund-raising and taking away his administrative assistant, as soon as Golden retired, Dean Brown immediately acted to remove “Israel” from the title of the program, and dismantle its physical office in the General Academic Building. The decision to SUBTRACT “Israel” from the title of the program, which undid years of work by Golden and other faculty, was taken by Brown without proper consultation with Prof. Richard Ruderman, who had just been appointed interim director of the program. This action was taken during the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur when Prof. Ruderman, who is Orthodox, was incommunicado. When Prof. Ruderman returned to campus, he was confronted with a “fait accomplis” in terms of changing the title of the program to remove “Israel.” The physical office included an extensive library with many books on Jewish subjects donated by the Jewish Community.