Betar US: Zionist Movement of Ze’ev Jabotinsky



Phone: 972-983-3128

Message: Prof. Golden told me that the investigation went on for about a year. Documents disclose that at the time (2020, the same I was cancelled), Prof. Richard Golden reached out to Prof. William Jacobson’s “Legal Insurrection” at Cornell and to other lawyers and academics for help and advice. 227 pages of documents in my possession shed light on every aspect of the Jewish and Israel Studies Program since its founding in 2000 (around the same time as the Center for Schenkerian Studies, which I established), including all of the planning that accompanied the name change to encompass Israel in 2011. Over the twenty-year life of the program, Golden raised over 1.2 million from the Jewish Communities of Dallas and Fort Worth and nationally. He organized faculty exchanges between UNT and Israeli colleges, guest lectures, etc. As you can see from the attached document from the Jewish Federation, Prof. Golden raised approx. $75,000 of funding to cover the cost of an administrative assistant that he was forced to decline. 2) The documents and witness testimony demonstrate that Dean Brown proceeded against Program Director Richard Golden on several fronts simultaneously to starve him – and the Jewish and Israel Studies Program – of funding from both the university and also from the Jewish Community. Specifically, Brown deprived Golden of continuing university funding for his administrative assistant, who was vitally important for the managing of the day-to-day busy work of the program. Then, when Golden applied to the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas to cover the cancelled funding and received $25,000 for three years = $75,000 to cover hiring an assistant, Brown, with support from the higher administration, forbade him from accepting this support! From the university, Golden had an expense account from UNT to cover taking prospective donors out to dinner and for associated travel expenses. That funding was also cut off.
