Betar US: Zionist Movement of Ze’ev Jabotinsky



Phone: 972-983-3128

Message: In particular, the Director of the Jewish and Israel Studies Program from 2000 to 2020, Prof. Golden, was persecuted: he was subjected to an “investigation,” which lasted over a year, his administrative assistant for the program was defunded, his permission to fundraise was withdrawn, and grants from Jewish funding sources to cover the withdrawn funding were refused by the then Dean of Arts and Sciences, Tamara Brown. I knew about this investigation because I was connected with Golden and the program by teaching two courses within it. Other faculty teaching within the program also were informed. In 2020, then Provost Jennifer Cowley and Dean of Arts and Sciences Tamara Brown, acted to “cancel” the Director of the Jewish and Israel Studies Program (JISP) Prof. Richard Golden and to eviscerate the JISP. But instead of being punished for these actions, in 2022 they were both rewarded with promotion! Brown was hired by Provost Jennifer Cowley; when Cowley left UNT to become the President of UT Arlington, she took Brown with her to become Provost there. Thus, this was a double promotion for them both: From Prof. Golden, I have received 227 pages of documents detailing every aspect of the program since its founding in 2000, including all of the planning that accompanied the name change to encompass Israel in 2011 – a change which Brown resented. These documents and witness testimony show how Brown proceeded against Golden on several fronts simultaneously, namely to have the university’s DEI department investigate him and to “starve” him – and the Israel and Jewish Studies Program – of its funding from both the university and also from the Jewish Community. 1) We still do not know who initiated and authorized the investigation by Alvin J. B. Roberts III, Assistant Director, Equal Opportunity, of Prof. Golden (see attached letter).
